Debuting Cleaning House – Indexing Edition

Five weeks ago, my good friend Gina Meronek contacted me about MADPASS. Seems their scheduled speaker for February had to cancel, so they were trying to find someone to fill the spot. I only had my first and only presentation, Every Byte Counts, in my portfolio, and presented it to MADPASS last August. Buuuuutttttttt… I’ve been wanting to add a second presentation to my portfolio. I’ve had the primary idea brewing for several months but just had not gotten around to finally doing it. Well, nothing motivates like a hard deadline!

Flash forward to last night, where I debuted Cleaning House: Indexing Edition. I was pleasantly surprised that despite the lousy February weather, a couple of dozen people made their way out. Another dozen or so joined the online broadcast too! And from the questions & feedback I got, I think the session was a resounding success! I already have some ideas on tweaking content, and definitely must focus on time management, but all in all, I’m extremely pleased.

Many folks asked for my slides & demo scripts, which I’ve just finished bundling up for distribution. You can get them here.

Be sure to check the Readme.txt file, which has links to 2008 & 2014 .bak files of my demo database.

Thank you again MADPASS, for having me back, and thank you to everyone who came out, sat through my presentation, gave me great feedback, and hopefully learned something new and practical!