T-SQL Tuesday #111: Why I Do What I Do

This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is by Andy Leonard, who asks bloggers to answer ‘What is Your “Why?”

To answer that, I’m going to answer a different question first. This is a very typical question that I get in interviews, that sort of drives me nuts.

“What do you see yourself doing in 5 years?”

Uhh… working unless I’ve won the lottery? And hopefully not working in a job that sucks? :-p

Smart ass response aside, what I always say to this is that regardless of the job/role that I’m in, I want to continue doing one key thing – helping companies leverage SQL Server to its fullest potential.

I think back to some of my past jobs, and what I’ve done to help both companies. At one company, I was brought in because of a SQL Server based system had outgrown its original architecture and performance was beyond dismal. At another company, I became a liaison to a primary SQL Server customer, in part thanks to my personal drive to remain on the cutting edge of what Microsoft was doing with SQL Server.

But I’ve also tried to help individuals too. And in all of my recent roles, I’ve made sure to evangelize the SQL Server PASS community, and all of the phenomenal training and resource offerings that can be found in our awesome community.

All of this, because one of my core characteristics is that I am a “Giver.” I want to help.

Today, I am proud to be a Solutions Engineer with SentryOne. In my current role, I’m “evangelizing” SentryOne’s monitoring software, because I personally believe that it is a true solution that can improve the lives of SQL Server data professionals.

Would me, 5 years prior, have been able to predict that I’d be working for SentryOne in such a role? No way. But am I still staying true to my overarching goal of helping others leverage SQL Server more effectively? Absolutely!

And that’s why I do what I do.